Vlucht Report
Vlucht Datum
22 Jul 2024 20:07 UTC
Vlucht Nummer
Vertrek ICAO
Aankomst ICAO
Alternatief ICAO
Airbus A320-210 Easyjet EZTD
Brandstof Verbruikt
Vlucht XP
Vlucht Type
ACARS flight.
Vaardigheidsanalyse (21%)
Stall gedetecteerd
Crash gedetecteerd
Landingslichten beneden 10k
Landingslichten boven 10k
Te Hoge Snelheid / Stres gedetecteerd
Te Hoge Taxisnelheid
Te Hoge Snelheid beneden 10k
Beacon uit Motor Aan
Slew gedetecteerd
Pauze gedetecteerd
Take-off/Landing Analyse (Landingssnelheid -1,000fpm)
Take-off G-Force
Rotatie Pitch
Rotatie Bank
Gear-up Snelheid
Gear-up Hoogte
Take-Off Wind
TAT Vertrek/Aankomst
Touch-down G-Force
Touch-down Snelheid
Touch-down Pitch
Touch-down Bank
Gear-down Snelheid
Gear-down Hoogte
Landing Wind
Touch-Down Spoilers Ingezet
[13:07:37utc] You have successfully logged in Nico van Ostaden.
[13:10:13utc] Your flight to FACT has now been started.
[13:10:13utc] Aircraft boarding in progress
[13:12:59utc] FLAPS 2
[13:12:59utc] FLAPS 3
[13:16:47utc] Starting engine(s)
[13:17:41utc] Detected aircraft taxiing
[13:18:37utc] Detected take-off roll, WIND 000/3kt
[13:18:39utc] Spoilers DEPLOYED
[13:19:00utc] Departing HAAB, IAS 120kt, G-force 1.13g, pitch -14.28deg, bank 6.57deg, VS 399fpm, HDG 254deg
[13:19:21utc] Gear UP, IAS 146kt, GS 163kt, ALT 7720ft
[13:19:39utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 147kt, GS 165kt, VS 2392fpm, ALT 8420ft, PITCH -14.67deg, HDG 255deg, TAT 2deg, WIND 000/3kt
[13:19:53utc] FLAPS 2, IAS 149kt
[13:21:38utc] FLAPS 1, IAS 173kt
[13:21:46utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 13720ft
[13:23:28utc] FLAPS UP, IAS 195kt
[13:23:28utc] Spoilers RETRACTED , IAS 195kt, ALT 17550ft
[13:24:10utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 19110ft
[13:30:48utc] Aircraft at 30930ft, IAS 302kt, GS 455kt, HDG 208deg, TAT -18deg, WIND 270/25kt
[13:31:00utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 30910ft, IAS 312kt, GS 468kt, HDG 208deg, VS -71fpm, TAT -16deg, WIND 270/25kt
[13:31:15utc] Aircraft at 30900ft, IAS 322kt, GS 482kt, HDG 207deg, TAT -14deg, WIND 270/25kt
[18:30:45utc] Spoilers DEPLOYED, IAS 278kt, ALT 30890ft
[18:30:54utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 267kt, GS 402kt, VS 163fpm, ALT 30950ft, PITCH -2.54deg, HDG 227deg, TAT -23deg, WIND 270/25kt
[18:31:00utc] Spoilers RETRACTED , IAS 262kt, ALT 30950ft
[18:31:09utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 30890ft, IAS 260kt, GS 391kt, HDG 225deg, VS -272fpm, TAT -24deg, WIND 270/25kt
[18:31:24utc] Aircraft at 30880ft, IAS 256kt, GS 385kt, HDG 225deg, TAT -25deg, WIND 270/25kt
[18:46:21utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 30540ft, IAS 77kt, GS 138kt, HDG 228deg, VS -6693fpm, TAT -42deg, WIND 270/25kt
[18:47:45utc] On approach, IAS 37, VS -16292fpm, ALT 5140ft, pitch 4.04deg, HDG 186deg
[18:47:50utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:47:54utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:47:57utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:47:58utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:48:00utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:48:01utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:48:03utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:48:05utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:48:06utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:48:08utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:48:12utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:48:16utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:48:18utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:48:19utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:48:22utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:48:24utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:48:30utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:48:34utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:48:37utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:48:39utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:48:42utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:48:45utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:48:53utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:48:54utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:48:58utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:49:00utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:49:02utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:49:03utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:49:05utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:49:07utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:49:09utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:49:10utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:49:12utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:49:13utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:49:14utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:49:15utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:49:22utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:49:22utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:49:24utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:49:26utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:49:27utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:49:33utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:49:33utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:49:34utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:49:36utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:49:38utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:49:41utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:49:46utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:49:52utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:49:53utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:49:58utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:50:00utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:50:02utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:50:03utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:50:08utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:50:10utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:50:11utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:50:13utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:50:15utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:50:23utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:50:28utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:50:29utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:50:32utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:50:38utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:50:42utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:50:43utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:50:45utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:50:49utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:50:52utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:51:02utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:51:06utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:51:07utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:51:10utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:51:11utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:51:16utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:51:17utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:51:21utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:51:22utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:51:25utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:51:29utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:51:32utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:51:38utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:51:39utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:51:44utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:51:49utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:51:52utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:51:57utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:52:04utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:52:07utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:52:07utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:52:09utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:52:11utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:52:13utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:52:15utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:52:20utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:52:21utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:52:22utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:52:28utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:52:30utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:52:32utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:52:33utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:52:34utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:52:35utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:52:37utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:52:49utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:52:54utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:52:56utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:53:01utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:53:05utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:53:08utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:53:10utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:53:14utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:53:16utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:53:19utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:53:21utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:53:23utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:53:25utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:53:27utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:53:28utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:53:29utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:53:31utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:53:33utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:53:33utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:53:35utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:53:40utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:53:41utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:53:43utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:53:46utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:53:49utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:53:54utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:53:55utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:53:57utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:53:59utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:54:05utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:54:06utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:54:07utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:54:08utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:54:10utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:54:12utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:54:15utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:54:20utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:54:21utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:54:22utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:54:29utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:54:31utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:54:35utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:54:38utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:54:39utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:54:46utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:54:51utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:54:52utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:54:54utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:54:55utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:54:58utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:54:59utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:55:01utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:55:05utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:55:11utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:55:13utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:55:16utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:55:18utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:55:20utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:55:22utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:55:27utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:55:30utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:55:32utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:55:33utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:55:36utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:55:39utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:55:42utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:55:48utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:55:51utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:55:53utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:55:54utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:56:00utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:56:04utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:56:06utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:56:13utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:56:15utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:56:15utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:56:17utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:56:20utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:56:22utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:56:24utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:56:31utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:56:36utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:56:40utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:56:41utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:56:46utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:56:54utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:57:08utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:57:11utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:57:14utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:57:16utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:57:21utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:57:27utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:57:29utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:57:34utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:57:35utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:57:38utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:57:40utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:57:42utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:57:45utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:57:47utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:57:48utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:57:58utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:57:59utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:58:04utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:58:13utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:58:15utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:58:18utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:58:19utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:58:22utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:58:28utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:58:30utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:58:31utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:58:32utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:58:33utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:58:35utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:58:37utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:58:38utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:58:40utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:58:42utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:58:44utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:58:46utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:58:52utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:58:53utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:58:55utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:58:57utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:59:00utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:59:01utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:59:03utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:59:07utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:59:08utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:59:10utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:59:14utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:59:16utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:59:18utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:59:21utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:59:22utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:59:23utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:59:25utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:59:27utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:59:28utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:59:38utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:59:41utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:59:42utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:59:46utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:59:47utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:59:51utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:59:57utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[18:59:59utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:00:01utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:00:02utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:00:05utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:00:07utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:00:08utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:00:09utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:00:11utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:00:16utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:00:19utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:00:20utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:00:22utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:00:24utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:00:30utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:00:40utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:00:42utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:00:44utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:00:45utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:00:47utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:00:48utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:00:49utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:00:50utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:00:51utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:00:54utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:00:58utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:01:00utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:01:03utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:01:03utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:01:07utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:01:09utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:01:14utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:01:15utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:01:17utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:01:21utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:01:22utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:01:23utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:01:34utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:01:38utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:01:43utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:01:45utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:01:51utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:01:53utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:01:58utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:02:01utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:02:03utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:02:08utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:02:11utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:02:14utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:02:19utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:02:20utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:02:24utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:02:26utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:02:28utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:02:29utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:02:32utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:02:35utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:02:42utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:02:44utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:02:46utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:02:48utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:02:50utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:02:51utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:02:55utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:03:01utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:03:06utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:03:08utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:03:11utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:03:14utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:03:19utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:03:27utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:03:28utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:03:29utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:03:38utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:03:39utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:03:39utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:03:43utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:03:47utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:03:53utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:03:56utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:03:59utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:04:02utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:04:06utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:04:08utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:04:12utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:04:16utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:04:17utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:04:19utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:04:25utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:04:27utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:04:28utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:04:30utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:04:33utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:04:34utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:04:36utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:04:38utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:04:39utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:04:40utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:04:41utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:04:46utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:04:49utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:04:50utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:04:52utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:04:52utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:04:58utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:04:59utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:05:02utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:05:04utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:05:07utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:05:10utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:05:12utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:05:13utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:05:17utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:05:23utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:05:26utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:05:30utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:05:34utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:05:36utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:05:39utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:05:44utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:05:48utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:05:52utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:05:52utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:05:53utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:05:58utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:05:59utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:06:03utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:06:04utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:06:07utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:06:12utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:06:14utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:06:15utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:06:17utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:06:18utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:06:20utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:06:24utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:06:26utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:06:29utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:06:35utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:06:45utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:06:49utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:06:51utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:06:54utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:06:55utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:07:00utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:07:00utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:07:09utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:07:11utc] Gear DOWN, IAS 0kt, GS 58kt, ALT 3580ft
[19:07:12utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:07:14utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:07:17utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:07:18utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:07:22utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:07:23utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[19:07:24utc] Aircraft taxiing to the ramp
[19:07:44utc] FLAPS 2
[19:07:44utc] Spoilers DEPLOYED
[19:07:45utc] FLAPS 3
[19:08:14utc] Gear UP, IAS 182kt, GS 190kt, ALT 3840ft
[19:08:27utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 202kt, GS 214kt, VS 1395fpm, ALT 4340ft, PITCH -8.35deg, HDG 265deg, TAT 13deg, WIND 000/0kt
[19:08:47utc] FLAPS 1, IAS 233kt
[19:08:48utc] FLAPS UP, IAS 233kt
[19:08:48utc] Spoilers RETRACTED , IAS 233kt, ALT 4690ft
[19:13:50utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 15660ft, IAS 251kt, GS 299kt, HDG 210deg, VS -1091fpm, TAT -3deg, WIND 270/23kt
[19:14:35utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 260kt, GS 301kt, VS 3597fpm, ALT 14300ft, PITCH -8.44deg, HDG 209deg, TAT 0deg, WIND 270/23kt
[19:17:40utc] Aircraft at 20940ft, IAS 244kt, GS 317kt, HDG 211deg, TAT -12deg, WIND 270/25kt
[19:20:53utc] FLAPS 1, IAS 240kt
[19:20:53utc] Spoilers DEPLOYED, IAS 240kt, ALT 20930ft
[20:25:50utc] FLAPS UP, IAS 246kt
[20:25:50utc] Spoilers RETRACTED , IAS 246kt, ALT 20930ft
[20:36:45utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 20340ft, IAS 326kt, GS 404kt, HDG 210deg, VS -8446fpm, TAT -1deg, WIND 270/25kt
[20:39:38utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 9910ft
[20:40:33utc] FLAPS 1, IAS 297kt
[20:40:33utc] Spoilers DEPLOYED, IAS 297kt, ALT 8890ft
[20:42:15utc] FLAPS 3, IAS 235kt
[20:42:38utc] FLAPS 4, IAS 201kt
[20:44:23utc] FLAPS FULL, IAS 167kt
[20:45:40utc] Gear DOWN, IAS 151kt, GS 159kt, ALT 3730ft
[20:49:35utc] Landed with a landing rate of -13642fpm, touchdown speed 9kt, G-force 0.77g, pitch 0.07deg, bank -0.3deg
[20:49:55utc] Spoilers RETRACTED
[20:50:07utc] FLAPS 4
[20:50:08utc] FLAPS 2
[20:50:08utc] FLAPS UP
[20:50:31utc] Landing lights OFF
[20:52:57utc] Engine(s) shutdown
[20:52:57utc] Aircraft parked