Vlucht Report

Vlucht Datum
20 Jul 2024 14:07 UTC
Vlucht Nummer
Vertrek ICAO
Aankomst ICAO
Alternatief ICAO
B737-800X zibo AXP KLM PH-BXW 737-800
Brandstof Verbruikt
Vlucht XP
Vlucht Type
ACARS flight.

Vaardigheidsanalyse (48%)

Stall gedetecteerd
Crash gedetecteerd
Landingslichten beneden 10k
Landingslichten boven 10k
Te Hoge Snelheid / Stres gedetecteerd
Te Hoge Taxisnelheid
Te Hoge Snelheid beneden 10k
Beacon uit Motor Aan
Slew gedetecteerd
Pauze gedetecteerd

Take-off/Landing Analyse (Landingssnelheid -782fpm)

Take-off G-Force
Rotatie Pitch
Rotatie Bank
Gear-up Snelheid
Gear-up Hoogte
Take-Off Wind
TAT Vertrek/Aankomst
Touch-down G-Force
Touch-down Snelheid
Touch-down Pitch
Touch-down Bank
Gear-down Snelheid
Gear-down Hoogte
Landing Wind
Touch-Down Spoilers Ingezet


[12:29:34utc] You have successfully logged in Menno Venstra.
[12:31:46utc] Your flight to LSGG has now been started.
[12:31:46utc] Aircraft boarding in progress
[12:38:55utc] Starting engine(s)
[12:48:57utc] Detected aircraft taxiing
[13:11:58utc] Landing lights ON
[13:11:59utc] Landing lights OFF
[13:12:13utc] Landing lights ON
[13:12:13utc] Landing lights OFF
[13:12:16utc] Landing lights ON
[13:12:16utc] Landing lights OFF
[13:12:25utc] Landing lights ON
[13:12:25utc] Landing lights OFF
[13:12:35utc] Landing lights ON
[13:12:35utc] Landing lights OFF
[13:13:27utc] Detected take-off roll, WIND 132/6kt
[13:13:32utc] Landing lights ON
[13:13:32utc] Landing lights OFF
[13:13:35utc] Landing lights ON
[13:13:35utc] Landing lights OFF
[13:13:37utc] Landing lights ON
[13:13:37utc] Landing lights OFF
[13:13:47utc] Landing lights ON
[13:13:47utc] Landing lights OFF
[13:13:58utc] Landing lights ON
[13:13:58utc] Landing lights OFF
[13:14:05utc] Departing EHRD, IAS 147kt, G-force 1.04g, pitch -8.84deg, bank -1.53deg, VS 70fpm, HDG 237deg
[13:14:09utc] Gear UP, IAS 149kt, GS 152kt, ALT 0ft
[13:14:29utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 290ft
[13:14:29utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 280ft
[13:14:32utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 280ft
[13:14:32utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 280ft
[13:14:34utc] Aircraft at 310ft, IAS 175kt, GS 187kt, HDG 241deg, TAT 29deg, WIND 138/7kt
[13:14:47utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 160kt, GS 167kt, VS 2981fpm, ALT 850ft, PITCH -16.26deg, HDG 234deg, TAT 28deg, WIND 157/6kt
[13:14:55utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 1150ft
[13:14:55utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 1160ft
[13:15:27utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 2510ft
[13:15:28utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 2520ft
[13:15:38utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 2860ft
[13:15:39utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 2870ft
[13:15:48utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 3240ft
[13:15:48utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 3250ft
[13:15:55utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 3500ft
[13:15:55utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 3510ft
[13:15:57utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 3610ft
[13:15:58utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 3620ft
[13:15:59utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 3680ft
[13:15:59utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 3690ft
[13:16:06utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 4030ft
[13:16:06utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 4040ft
[13:16:07utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 4100ft
[13:16:07utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 4120ft
[13:16:12utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 4410ft
[13:16:13utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 4430ft
[13:17:08utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 7190ft
[13:17:08utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 7200ft
[13:17:22utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 7720ft
[13:17:22utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 7730ft
[13:17:38utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 8520ft
[13:17:38utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 8530ft
[13:17:43utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 8780ft
[13:17:44utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 8790ft
[13:17:55utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 9360ft
[13:17:56utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 9370ft
[13:17:58utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 9490ft
[13:17:59utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 9510ft
[13:18:01utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 9620ft
[13:18:01utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 9640ft
[13:18:05utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 9820ft
[13:18:05utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 9840ft
[13:18:15utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 10310ft
[13:18:15utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 10330ft
[13:55:35utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 35130ft, IAS 259kt, GS 455kt, HDG 176deg, VS -299fpm, TAT -52deg, WIND 287/29kt
[13:56:36utc] Aircraft at 34860ft, IAS 264kt, GS 457kt, HDG 185deg, TAT -54deg, WIND 286/29kt
[14:02:15utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 260kt, GS 470kt, VS 281fpm, ALT 34900ft, PITCH -3.21deg, HDG 135deg, TAT -54deg, WIND 286/30kt
[14:02:53utc] Aircraft at 34990ft, IAS 258kt, GS 468kt, HDG 135deg, TAT -54deg, WIND 286/30kt
[14:04:49utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 34960ft, IAS 257kt, GS 445kt, HDG 193deg, VS -166fpm, TAT -54deg, WIND 291/29kt
[14:05:33utc] Aircraft at 34900ft, IAS 259kt, GS 437kt, HDG 212deg, TAT -54deg, WIND 288/28kt
[14:07:52utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 34820ft, IAS 260kt, GS 426kt, HDG 226deg, VS -783fpm, TAT -54deg, WIND 280/28kt
[14:14:44utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 11140ft
[14:14:45utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 11110ft
[14:15:17utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 10650ft
[14:15:17utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 10650ft
[14:16:10utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 9860ft
[14:16:10utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 9860ft
[14:16:23utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 9760ft
[14:16:23utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 9760ft
[14:16:29utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 9740ft
[14:16:29utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 9740ft
[14:16:30utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 9740ft
[14:16:30utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 9730ft
[14:16:31utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 9730ft
[14:16:32utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 9730ft
[14:18:27utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 7740ft
[14:18:27utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 7740ft
[14:18:29utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 7690ft
[14:18:30utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 7680ft
[14:18:31utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 7660ft
[14:18:31utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 7660ft
[14:18:56utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 7220ft
[14:18:57utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 7220ft
[14:19:01utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 7160ft
[14:19:01utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 7160ft
[14:19:03utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 7120ft
[14:19:04utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 7120ft
[14:19:06utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 7080ft
[14:19:06utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 7080ft
[14:19:35utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 6700ft
[14:19:35utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 6690ft
[14:20:29utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 5540ft
[14:20:29utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 5540ft
[14:20:37utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 5350ft
[14:20:38utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 5350ft
[14:20:50utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 5310ft
[14:20:50utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 5310ft
[14:21:00utc] Aircraft at 5320ft, IAS 154kt, GS 175kt, HDG 001deg, TAT 19deg, WIND 234/3kt
[14:21:06utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 155kt, GS 175kt, VS 53fpm, ALT 5310ft, PITCH -6.77deg, HDG 001deg, TAT 19deg, WIND 234/3kt
[14:21:10utc] Aircraft at 5330ft, IAS 154kt, GS 171kt, HDG 001deg, TAT 19deg, WIND 235/3kt
[14:21:11utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 5320ft, IAS 153kt, GS 169kt, HDG 001deg, VS -278fpm, TAT 19deg, WIND 235/3kt
[14:21:18utc] Aircraft at 5290ft, IAS 148kt, GS 165kt, HDG 001deg, TAT 19deg, WIND 237/2kt
[14:21:19utc] Gear DOWN, IAS 147kt, GS 165kt, ALT 5290ft
[14:21:19utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 5290ft
[14:21:20utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 5290ft
[14:21:24utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 5310ft
[14:21:24utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 5310ft
[14:21:29utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 5300ft
[14:21:29utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 5300ft
[14:21:32utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 144kt, GS 163kt, VS 52fpm, ALT 5300ft, PITCH -6.99deg, HDG 007deg, TAT 19deg, WIND 239/2kt
[14:21:38utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 5310ft, IAS 143kt, GS 159kt, HDG 016deg, VS -90fpm, TAT 19deg, WIND 240/2kt
[14:21:43utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 5280ft
[14:21:43utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 5280ft
[14:21:45utc] Aircraft at 5280ft, IAS 141kt, GS 159kt, HDG 037deg, TAT 19deg, WIND 241/2kt
[14:21:48utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 5300ft
[14:21:48utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 5300ft
[14:21:49utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 5310ft
[14:21:50utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 5310ft
[14:21:53utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 140kt, GS 159kt, VS 146fpm, ALT 5330ft, PITCH -3.82deg, HDG 041deg, TAT 19deg, WIND 239/2kt
[14:21:55utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 5330ft
[14:21:55utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 5330ft
[14:22:12utc] Aircraft at 5310ft, IAS 142kt, GS 161kt, HDG 042deg, TAT 19deg, WIND 233/3kt
[14:22:22utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 5260ft, IAS 144kt, GS 163kt, HDG 044deg, VS -610fpm, TAT 19deg, WIND 231/3kt
[14:22:29utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 5230ft
[14:22:29utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 5230ft
[14:22:31utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 5220ft
[14:22:32utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 5220ft
[14:22:33utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 5220ft
[14:22:33utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 5220ft
[14:22:36utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 5220ft
[14:22:36utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 5220ft
[14:22:47utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 142kt, GS 161kt, VS 67fpm, ALT 5230ft, PITCH -4.76deg, HDG 046deg, TAT 19deg, WIND 225/3kt
[14:22:50utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 5230ft
[14:22:51utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 5230ft
[14:23:00utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 5100ft, IAS 147kt, GS 167kt, HDG 045deg, VS -1277fpm, TAT 19deg, WIND 231/3kt
[14:23:01utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 5070ft
[14:23:02utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 5070ft
[14:23:29utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 4240ft
[14:23:29utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 4230ft
[14:23:46utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 3710ft
[14:23:47utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 3710ft
[14:23:59utc] On approach, IAS 160, VS -5406fpm, ALT 2930ft, pitch 16.29deg, HDG 046deg
[14:24:14utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 1680ft
[14:24:14utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 1660ft
[14:24:23utc] Landing lights ON
[14:24:23utc] Landed with a landing rate of -782fpm, touchdown speed 181kt, G-force 1.72g, pitch 0.78deg, bank -1.87deg
[14:24:24utc] Landing lights OFF
[14:24:44utc] Aircraft at 1440ft, IAS 161kt, GS 171kt, HDG 044deg, TAT 28deg, WIND 190/2kt
[14:24:49utc] Landed with a landing rate of -782fpm, touchdown speed 181kt, G-force 1.72g, pitch 0.78deg, bank -1.87deg
[14:24:52utc] Landed with a landing rate of -782fpm, touchdown speed 181kt, G-force 1.72g, pitch 0.78deg, bank -1.87deg
[14:25:00utc] Landing lights ON
[14:25:00utc] Landing lights OFF
[14:25:08utc] Landing lights ON
[14:25:09utc] Landing lights OFF
[14:25:12utc] Aircraft taxiing to the ramp
[14:25:22utc] Landing lights ON
[14:25:22utc] Landing lights OFF
[14:25:26utc] Landing lights ON
[14:25:27utc] Landing lights OFF
[14:25:28utc] Landing lights ON
[14:25:28utc] Landing lights OFF
[14:25:35utc] Landing lights ON
[14:25:35utc] Landing lights OFF
[14:26:04utc] Landing lights ON
[14:26:05utc] Landing lights OFF
[14:26:10utc] Landing lights ON
[14:26:10utc] Landing lights OFF
[14:26:12utc] Engine(s) shutdown
[14:26:12utc] Aircraft parked
[14:26:15utc] Landing lights ON
[14:26:15utc] Landing lights OFF
[14:26:17utc] Landing lights ON
[14:26:17utc] Landing lights OFF