Vlucht Report
Vlucht Datum
29 Apr 2024 13:04 UTC
Vlucht Nummer
Vertrek ICAO
Aankomst ICAO
Alternatief ICAO
B737-800X Skymatix-Zibo Livery
Brandstof Verbruikt
Vlucht XP
Vlucht Type
ACARS flight.
Vaardigheidsanalyse (46%)
Stall gedetecteerd
Crash gedetecteerd
Landingslichten beneden 10k
Landingslichten boven 10k
Te Hoge Snelheid / Stres gedetecteerd
Te Hoge Taxisnelheid
Te Hoge Snelheid beneden 10k
Beacon uit Motor Aan
Slew gedetecteerd
Pauze gedetecteerd
Take-off/Landing Analyse (Landingssnelheid -556fpm)
Take-off G-Force
Rotatie Pitch
Rotatie Bank
Gear-up Snelheid
Gear-up Hoogte
Take-Off Wind
TAT Vertrek/Aankomst
Touch-down G-Force
Touch-down Snelheid
Touch-down Pitch
Touch-down Bank
Gear-down Snelheid
Gear-down Hoogte
Landing Wind
Touch-Down Spoilers Ingezet
[11:38:18utc] You have successfully logged in Jan Greving.
[11:38:35utc] Your flight to UDYZ has now been started.
[11:38:35utc] Aircraft boarding in progress
[11:51:14utc] Detected aircraft taxiing
[11:57:37utc] Landing lights ON
[11:57:37utc] Landing lights OFF
[11:58:01utc] Landing lights ON
[11:58:01utc] Landing lights OFF
[11:58:16utc] Landing lights ON
[11:58:16utc] Landing lights OFF
[11:58:52utc] Landing lights ON
[11:58:52utc] Landing lights OFF
[11:59:04utc] Landing lights ON
[11:59:04utc] Landing lights OFF
[11:59:21utc] Landing lights ON
[11:59:22utc] Landing lights OFF
[11:59:24utc] Landing lights ON
[11:59:24utc] Landing lights OFF
[11:59:27utc] Landing lights ON
[11:59:27utc] Landing lights OFF
[11:59:30utc] Landing lights ON
[11:59:30utc] Landing lights OFF
[11:59:53utc] Detected take-off roll, WIND 138/12kt
[11:59:54utc] Landing lights ON
[11:59:55utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:00:10utc] Departing UBBB, IAS 151kt, G-force 1.04g, pitch -2.88deg, bank -0.95deg, VS 18fpm, HDG 165deg
[12:00:13utc] Landing lights ON
[12:00:13utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:00:15utc] Landing lights ON
[12:00:15utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:00:19utc] Aircraft at 210ft, IAS 184kt, GS 173kt, HDG 172deg, TAT 16deg, WIND 144/15kt
[12:00:31utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 179kt, GS 171kt, VS 3324fpm, ALT 1070ft, PITCH -12.23deg, HDG 203deg, TAT 17deg, WIND 154/18kt
[12:00:36utc] Gear UP, IAS 181kt, GS 177kt, ALT 1350ft
[12:00:51utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 2190ft
[12:00:52utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 2200ft
[12:01:13utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 3150ft
[12:01:13utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 3150ft
[12:01:25utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 3760ft
[12:01:26utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 3780ft
[12:01:34utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 4320ft
[12:01:34utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 4330ft
[12:01:35utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 4410ft
[12:01:35utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 4430ft
[12:01:44utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 5120ft
[12:01:45utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 5130ft
[12:01:47utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 5330ft
[12:01:47utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 5350ft
[12:01:57utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 5980ft
[12:01:57utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 6000ft
[12:02:49utc] Aircraft at 8050ft, IAS 255kt, GS 282kt, HDG 135deg, TAT 10deg, WIND 125/7kt
[12:02:58utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 8060ft
[12:02:59utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 8060ft
[12:05:15utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 257kt, GS 294kt, VS 2890fpm, ALT 8300ft, PITCH -8.67deg, HDG 080deg, TAT 10deg, WIND 124/5kt
[12:11:56utc] Aircraft at 28190ft, IAS 276kt, GS 420kt, HDG 269deg, TAT -38deg, WIND 359/8kt
[12:12:11utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 28170ft, IAS 275kt, GS 420kt, HDG 269deg, VS -111fpm, TAT -38deg, WIND 002/8kt
[12:12:22utc] Aircraft at 28160ft, IAS 274kt, GS 418kt, HDG 269deg, TAT -38deg, WIND 003/8kt
[12:14:59utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 28140ft, IAS 276kt, GS 418kt, HDG 270deg, VS -104fpm, TAT -38deg, WIND 346/7kt
[12:15:10utc] Aircraft at 28130ft, IAS 273kt, GS 414kt, HDG 268deg, TAT -38deg, WIND 126/7kt
[12:15:51utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 274kt, GS 420kt, VS 84fpm, ALT 28130ft, PITCH -1.27deg, HDG 269deg, TAT -38deg, WIND 154/7kt
[12:16:49utc] Aircraft at 28190ft, IAS 274kt, GS 422kt, HDG 267deg, TAT -38deg, WIND 154/9kt
[12:17:26utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 28150ft, IAS 274kt, GS 422kt, HDG 266deg, VS -239fpm, TAT -38deg, WIND 150/9kt
[12:18:14utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 272kt, GS 414kt, VS 179fpm, ALT 27910ft, PITCH -1.98deg, HDG 249deg, TAT -37deg, WIND 145/7kt
[12:18:45utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 26630ft, IAS 288kt, GS 451kt, HDG 266deg, VS -17417fpm, TAT -34deg, WIND 121/6kt
[12:19:04utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 303kt, GS 428kt, VS 10426fpm, ALT 25650ft, PITCH -11.04deg, HDG 266deg, TAT -31deg, WIND 100/6kt
[12:19:21utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 25770ft, IAS 281kt, GS 422kt, HDG 269deg, VS -2213fpm, TAT -32deg, WIND 101/5kt
[12:20:08utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 326kt, GS 470kt, VS 1374fpm, ALT 24760ft, PITCH -2.09deg, HDG 271deg, TAT -29deg, WIND 111/4kt
[12:22:04utc] Aircraft at 28150ft, IAS 317kt, GS 478kt, HDG 270deg, TAT -38deg, WIND 167/10kt
[12:22:22utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 306kt, GS 461kt, VS 64fpm, ALT 28150ft, PITCH -0.72deg, HDG 270deg, TAT -38deg, WIND 174/12kt
[12:22:24utc] Aircraft at 28150ft, IAS 304kt, GS 459kt, HDG 270deg, TAT -38deg, WIND 172/12kt
[12:22:32utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 302kt, GS 457kt, VS 61fpm, ALT 28160ft, PITCH -1.53deg, HDG 269deg, TAT -38deg, WIND 176/11kt
[12:22:34utc] Aircraft at 28160ft, IAS 302kt, GS 457kt, HDG 269deg, TAT -38deg, WIND 177/10kt
[12:24:44utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 305kt, GS 461kt, VS 126fpm, ALT 28170ft, PITCH -1.08deg, HDG 269deg, TAT -38deg, WIND 177/15kt
[12:24:55utc] Aircraft at 28180ft, IAS 306kt, GS 461kt, HDG 269deg, TAT -38deg, WIND 182/16kt
[12:25:59utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 28160ft, IAS 306kt, GS 463kt, HDG 271deg, VS -107fpm, TAT -38deg, WIND 179/15kt
[12:26:12utc] Aircraft at 28150ft, IAS 305kt, GS 463kt, HDG 270deg, TAT -38deg, WIND 179/16kt
[12:27:41utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 28120ft, IAS 306kt, GS 463kt, HDG 270deg, VS -60fpm, TAT -38deg, WIND 176/18kt
[12:27:50utc] Aircraft at 28120ft, IAS 305kt, GS 463kt, HDG 270deg, TAT -38deg, WIND 177/18kt
[12:32:26utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 305kt, GS 455kt, VS 75fpm, ALT 28160ft, PITCH -0.92deg, HDG 241deg, TAT -38deg, WIND 167/20kt
[12:34:36utc] Aircraft at 28370ft, IAS 306kt, GS 455kt, HDG 241deg, TAT -39deg, WIND 172/22kt
[12:34:40utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 306kt, GS 455kt, VS 52fpm, ALT 28370ft, PITCH -0.68deg, HDG 241deg, TAT -39deg, WIND 171/23kt
[12:35:51utc] Aircraft at 28460ft, IAS 306kt, GS 453kt, HDG 240deg, TAT -39deg, WIND 169/24kt
[12:36:05utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 305kt, GS 453kt, VS 65fpm, ALT 28480ft, PITCH -1.09deg, HDG 240deg, TAT -39deg, WIND 172/23kt
[12:36:13utc] Aircraft at 28470ft, IAS 305kt, GS 453kt, HDG 240deg, TAT -39deg, WIND 167/23kt
[12:36:50utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 305kt, GS 453kt, VS 101fpm, ALT 28490ft, PITCH -1.1deg, HDG 240deg, TAT -39deg, WIND 170/23kt
[12:37:02utc] Aircraft at 28490ft, IAS 304kt, GS 453kt, HDG 240deg, TAT -39deg, WIND 167/22kt
[12:37:11utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 306kt, GS 453kt, VS 125fpm, ALT 28510ft, PITCH -1.06deg, HDG 240deg, TAT -39deg, WIND 173/24kt
[12:37:27utc] Aircraft at 28520ft, IAS 304kt, GS 455kt, HDG 246deg, TAT -39deg, WIND 169/23kt
[12:37:36utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 28480ft, IAS 306kt, GS 457kt, HDG 250deg, VS -127fpm, TAT -39deg, WIND 168/24kt
[12:37:46utc] Aircraft at 28480ft, IAS 305kt, GS 459kt, HDG 256deg, TAT -39deg, WIND 169/22kt
[12:38:03utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 305kt, GS 461kt, VS 97fpm, ALT 28510ft, PITCH -0.95deg, HDG 265deg, TAT -39deg, WIND 173/23kt
[12:38:12utc] Aircraft at 28500ft, IAS 305kt, GS 463kt, HDG 267deg, TAT -39deg, WIND 173/24kt
[12:39:28utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 28420ft, IAS 305kt, GS 461kt, HDG 267deg, VS -645fpm, TAT -39deg, WIND 171/24kt
[12:43:56utc] Spoilers DEPLOYED, IAS 311kt, ALT 20530ft
[12:47:17utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 11760ft
[12:47:17utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 11760ft
[12:47:24utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 11690ft
[12:47:24utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 11690ft
[12:47:25utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 11680ft
[12:47:26utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 11670ft
[12:47:30utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 11640ft
[12:47:30utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 11630ft
[12:47:49utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 11320ft
[12:47:49utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 11310ft
[12:47:55utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 11130ft
[12:47:56utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 11120ft
[12:48:02utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 10930ft
[12:48:03utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 10920ft
[12:48:15utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 10520ft
[12:48:15utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 10510ft
[12:48:21utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 10260ft
[12:48:22utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 10260ft
[12:48:23utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 10220ft
[12:48:23utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 10210ft
[12:48:56utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 9150ft
[12:48:56utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 9140ft
[12:49:01utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 8940ft
[12:49:01utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 8940ft
[12:49:53utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 6730ft
[12:49:53utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 6720ft
[12:49:56utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 6600ft
[12:49:56utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 6580ft
[12:50:21utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 5540ft
[12:50:21utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 5530ft
[12:50:32utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 5400ft
[12:50:32utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 5400ft
[12:50:34utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 5400ft
[12:50:35utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 5410ft
[12:50:42utc] Aircraft at 5410ft, IAS 227kt, GS 247kt, HDG 267deg, TAT 22deg, WIND 181/3kt
[12:50:43utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 5410ft
[12:50:43utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 5410ft
[12:50:44utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 5410ft
[12:50:44utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 5410ft
[12:50:49utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 5190ft, IAS 216kt, GS 239kt, HDG 267deg, VS -4570fpm, TAT 23deg, WIND 164/4kt
[12:50:50utc] Gear DOWN, IAS 216kt, GS 243kt, ALT 5020ft
[12:50:52utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 4770ft
[12:50:52utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 4730ft
[12:51:02utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 3330ft
[12:51:02utc] On approach, IAS 236, VS -5951fpm, ALT 3330ft, pitch 3.27deg, HDG 269deg
[12:51:02utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 3320ft
[12:51:04utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 3230ft
[12:51:05utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 3220ft
[12:51:11utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 3020ft
[12:51:11utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 3020ft
[12:51:14utc] Landing lights ON
[12:51:14utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:51:21utc] Landing lights ON
[12:51:21utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:51:24utc] Landed with a landing rate of -556fpm, touchdown speed 203kt, G-force 2.27g, pitch -1.91deg, bank 2.48deg
[12:51:25utc] Landing lights ON
[12:51:25utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:51:25utc] Landed with a landing rate of -556fpm, touchdown speed 203kt, G-force 2.27g, pitch -1.91deg, bank 2.48deg
[12:51:27utc] Landing lights ON
[12:51:28utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:51:30utc] Spoilers RETRACTED
[12:51:44utc] Landing lights ON
[12:51:44utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:51:47utc] Landing lights ON
[12:51:47utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:52:07utc] Aircraft at 3020ft, IAS 117kt, GS 136kt, HDG 284deg, TAT 30deg, WIND 105/5kt
[12:52:14utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 3440ft
[12:52:14utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 3470ft
[12:52:20utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 117kt, GS 126kt, VS 3037fpm, ALT 3780ft, PITCH -17.28deg, HDG 332deg, TAT 28deg, WIND 026/5kt
[12:52:25utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 3960ft
[12:52:25utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 3970ft
[12:52:37utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 4550ft
[12:52:37utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 4560ft
[12:52:48utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 5270ft
[12:52:48utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 5290ft
[12:53:06utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 5910ft
[12:53:06utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 5910ft
[12:53:09utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 5960ft
[12:53:09utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 5960ft
[12:53:17utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 6150ft
[12:53:17utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 6160ft
[12:53:32utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 6120ft
[12:53:32utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 6100ft
[12:53:33utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 6000ft, IAS 196kt, GS 231kt, HDG 076deg, VS -3975fpm, TAT 20deg, WIND 039/2kt
[12:53:35utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 5910ft
[12:53:35utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 5890ft
[12:53:36utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 5810ft
[12:53:36utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 5800ft
[12:54:06utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 5360ft
[12:54:06utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 5360ft
[12:54:11utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 5340ft
[12:54:12utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 5340ft
[12:54:20utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 5220ft
[12:54:20utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 5210ft
[12:54:29utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 5030ft
[12:54:30utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 5010ft
[12:54:50utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 4410ft
[12:54:50utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 4420ft
[12:54:52utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 4450ft
[12:54:53utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 4450ft
[12:54:54utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 233kt, GS 255kt, VS 219fpm, ALT 4450ft, PITCH 2.85deg, HDG 190deg, TAT 25deg, WIND 090/4kt
[12:55:05utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 4000ft
[12:55:05utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 3990ft
[12:55:16utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 4280ft
[12:55:16utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 4280ft
[12:56:00utc] Landing lights ON
[12:56:00utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:56:04utc] Landing lights ON
[12:56:04utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:56:08utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 2840ft, IAS 199kt, GS 212kt, HDG 272deg, VS -232fpm, TAT 30deg, WIND 041/5kt
[12:56:09utc] Landing lights ON
[12:56:10utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:56:11utc] Landing lights ON
[12:56:11utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:56:15utc] Landed with a landing rate of -556fpm, touchdown speed 203kt, G-force 2.27g, pitch -1.91deg, bank 2.48deg
[12:56:17utc] Spoilers DEPLOYED
[12:56:35utc] Landing lights ON
[12:56:36utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:56:37utc] Landing lights ON
[12:56:37utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:56:40utc] Aircraft taxiing to the ramp
[12:56:45utc] Spoilers RETRACTED
[12:58:53utc] Landing lights ON
[12:58:53utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:59:00utc] Landing lights ON
[12:59:00utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:59:01utc] Landing lights ON
[12:59:02utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:59:04utc] Landing lights ON
[12:59:04utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:59:07utc] Landing lights ON
[12:59:07utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:59:10utc] Landing lights ON
[12:59:10utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:59:25utc] Landing lights ON
[12:59:25utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:59:27utc] Landing lights ON
[12:59:28utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:59:30utc] Landing lights ON
[12:59:30utc] Landing lights OFF
[13:00:18utc] Landing lights ON
[13:00:18utc] Landing lights OFF
[13:00:25utc] Landing lights ON
[13:00:25utc] Landing lights OFF
[13:00:49utc] Landing lights ON
[13:00:49utc] Landing lights OFF
[13:00:51utc] Landing lights ON
[13:00:51utc] Landing lights OFF
[13:03:35utc] Engine(s) shutdown
[13:03:35utc] Aircraft parked
[13:03:38utc] Landing lights ON
[13:03:39utc] Landing lights OFF