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Richmond Intl Airport, Richmond (KRIC)

Airport Weather & NOTAM's

METAR for:KRIC (Richmond Intl, VA, US)
Text:KRIC 220054Z 35008KT 10SM CLR M01/M10 A3030 RMK AO2 SLP267 T10111100
Conditions at:0054 UTC 22 Dec 2024
Temperature: -1.1°C ( 30°F)
Dewpoint:-10.0°C ( 14°F) [RH = 51%]
Pressure (altimeter):30.30 inches Hg (1026.2 mb) [Sea level pressure: 1026.7 mb]
Winds:from the N (350 degrees) at 9 MPH (8 knots; 4.1 m/s)
Visibility:10 or more sm (16+ km)
Ceiling:at least 12,000 feet AGL
Clouds:sky clear below 12,000 feet AGL
TAF for:KRIC (Richmond Intl, VA, US) issued at 2320 UTC 21 Dec 2024
Text:KRIC 212320Z 2200/2224 35008KT P6SM SCT060
Forecast period:0000 to 1000 UTC 22 December 2024
Forecast type:FROM: standard forecast or significant change
Winds:from the N (350 degrees) at 9 MPH (8 knots; 4.1 m/s)
Visibility:6 or more sm (10+ km)
Ceiling:at least 12,000 feet AGL
Clouds:scattered clouds at 6000 feet AGL
Text:FM221000 34008KT P6SM SKC
Forecast period:1000 UTC 22 December 2024 to 0000 UTC 23 December 2024
Forecast type:FROM: standard forecast or significant change
Winds:from the NNW (340 degrees) at 9 MPH (8 knots; 4.1 m/s)
Visibility:6 or more sm (10+ km)
Ceiling:at least 12,000 feet AGL
Clouds:clear skies

Live Departures & Arrivals

There are currently no arrivals or departures for this airport.

Departures History (last 12 months)

Flight No. Dest. Aircraft Date
VBV900 KBOS PMDG 737-8... 02-12-2024
VBV506 KBOS B737-800X... 02-12-2024
VBV421 KBOS ToLissA320... 02-12-2024
VBV198 KBOS PMDG 777-3... 02-12-2024
VBV162 KBOS PMDG 737-7... 02-12-2024
VBV125 KBOS PMDG 737-7... 02-12-2024
VBV116 KBOS PMDG 777-2... 02-12-2024
VBV088 KBOS ToLissA320... 02-12-2024
VBV075 KBOS B737-800X... 02-12-2024
VBV421 KFCI AB412 v5.0... 30-11-2024
VBV421 KBOS A20N 30-11-2024
VBV421 KBOS Boeing767-... 29-11-2024
VBV820 KORD Airbus A31... 03-07-2024

Arrivals History (last 12 months)

Flight No. Origin Aircraft Date
VBV900 KMHT PMDG 737-8... 25-11-2024
VBV506 KJFK B737-800X... 25-11-2024
VBV198 KMHT PMDG 737-8... 25-11-2024
VBV162 KMHT PMDG 737-8... 25-11-2024
VBV141 KMHT Fenix A320... 25-11-2024
VBV125 KMHT PMDG 737-7... 25-11-2024
VBV116 KMHT PMDG 777-2... 25-11-2024
VBV072 KMHT A320N 25-11-2024
VBV198 KMHT PMDG 777-3... 24-11-2024
VBV820 KORD Airbus A31... 03-07-2024
VBV058 KORD FenixA320_... 08-05-2024

Runway Information (Airport elevation: 163ft)

Runway 02 Length 6,604ft Width 150ft Elevation 163ft Surface Asphalt Heading 13
Runway 07 Length 5,318ft Width 100ft Elevation 163ft Surface Asphalt Heading 57
Runway 16 Length 9,002ft Width 150ft Elevation 163ft Surface Asphalt Heading 148
Runway 20 Length 6,604ft Width 150ft Elevation 163ft Surface Asphalt Heading 193
Runway 25 Length 5,318ft Width 100ft Elevation 163ft Surface Asphalt Heading 237
Runway 34 Length 9,002ft Width 150ft Elevation 163ft Surface Asphalt Heading 328

Airport Frequencies

Type APP/DEP Frequency 118.200 Mhz
Type APP/DEP Frequency 126.400 Mhz
Type APP/DEP Frequency 126.750 Mhz
Type ATIS Frequency 119.150 Mhz
Type CPT Frequency 127.550 Mhz
Type D Frequency 126.400 Mhz
Type D Frequency 126.750 Mhz
Type FSS Frequency 122.400 Mhz
Type Ground Frequency 121.900 Mhz
Type Tower Frequency 121.100 Mhz
Type UC Frequency 122.950 Mhz
Type Clearance Frequency 127.550 Mhz
Type UC Frequency 122.950 Mhz

Airport Navaids

Type VORTAC Ident RIC Frequency 114100 Khz