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Laguardia Airport, New York (KLGA)

Airport Weather & NOTAM's

METAR for:KLGA (New York/La Guardia Arpt, NY, US)
Text:KLGA 220051Z 32021G32KT 10SM FEW036 SCT050 M04/M13 A3022 RMK AO2 PK WND 32039/0010 SLP232 T10391133
Conditions at:0051 UTC 22 Dec 2024
Temperature: -3.9°C ( 25°F)
Dewpoint:-13.3°C ( 8°F) [RH = 48%]
Pressure (altimeter):30.22 inches Hg (1023.5 mb) [Sea level pressure: 1023.2 mb]
Winds:from the NW (320 degrees) at 24 MPH (21 knots; 10.8 m/s) gusting to 37 MPH (32 knots; 16.5 m/s)
Visibility:10 or more sm (16+ km)
Ceiling:at least 12,000 feet AGL
Clouds:few clouds at 3600 feet AGL, scattered clouds at 5000 feet AGL
TAF for:KLGA (New York/La Guardia Arpt, NY, US) issued at 2320 UTC 21 Dec 2024
Text:KLGA 212320Z 2200/2306 32020G32KT P6SM SCT035 BKN045
Forecast period:0000 to 0200 UTC 22 December 2024
Forecast type:FROM: standard forecast or significant change
Winds:from the NW (320 degrees) at 23 MPH (20 knots; 10.3 m/s) gusting to 37 MPH (32 knots; 16.5 m/s)
Visibility:6 or more sm (10+ km)
Ceiling:4500 feet AGL
Clouds:scattered clouds at 3500 feet AGL, broken clouds at 4500 feet AGL
Text:FM220200 32017G24KT P6SM SCT050
Forecast period:0200 to 0700 UTC 22 December 2024
Forecast type:FROM: standard forecast or significant change
Winds:from the NW (320 degrees) at 20 MPH (17 knots; 8.7 m/s) gusting to 28 MPH (24 knots; 12.3 m/s)
Visibility:6 or more sm (10+ km)
Ceiling:at least 12,000 feet AGL
Clouds:scattered clouds at 5000 feet AGL
Text:FM220700 32014G20KT P6SM FEW050
Forecast period:0700 to 1700 UTC 22 December 2024
Forecast type:FROM: standard forecast or significant change
Winds:from the NW (320 degrees) at 16 MPH (14 knots; 7.2 m/s) gusting to 23 MPH (20 knots; 10.3 m/s)
Visibility:6 or more sm (10+ km)
Ceiling:at least 12,000 feet AGL
Clouds:few clouds at 5000 feet AGL
Text:FM221700 33012KT P6SM SKC
Forecast period:1700 UTC 22 December 2024 to 0100 UTC 23 December 2024
Forecast type:FROM: standard forecast or significant change
Winds:from the NNW (330 degrees) at 14 MPH (12 knots; 6.2 m/s)
Visibility:6 or more sm (10+ km)
Ceiling:at least 12,000 feet AGL
Clouds:clear skies
Text:FM230100 35007KT P6SM SKC
Forecast period:0100 to 0600 UTC 23 December 2024
Forecast type:FROM: standard forecast or significant change
Winds:from the N (350 degrees) at 8 MPH (7 knots; 3.6 m/s)
Visibility:6 or more sm (10+ km)
Ceiling:at least 12,000 feet AGL
Clouds:clear skies

Live Departures & Arrivals

There are currently no arrivals or departures for this airport.

Departures History (last 12 months)

Flight No. Dest. Aircraft Date
VBV559 KBUF 737-800 15-10-2024
AAL2816A KORD Airbus A32... 22-05-2024
VBV135 KBHM Airbus A32... 04-05-2024

Arrivals History (last 12 months)

Flight No. Origin Aircraft Date
VBV179 KGRR PMDG 737-8... 25-11-2024
VBV132 KGRR Airbus A32... 25-11-2024
VBV026 KGRR Airbus A32... 25-11-2024
VBV352 KJFK Cessna Sky... 30-10-2024
VBV021 KJFK Cessna Sky... 30-10-2024
VBV019 MD97 A2A Piper... 25-09-2024
VBV179 KGRR PMDG 737-8... 29-08-2024
VBV132 KGRR Airbus A32... 29-08-2024
VBV026KGRR KGRR Airbus A32... 29-08-2024
AAL408A KORD Airbus A32... 22-05-2024
VBV179 KGRR PMDG 737-8... 07-03-2024
VBV026 KGRR Airbus A32... 07-03-2024
VBV179 KGRR PMDG 737-8... 30-01-2024
VBV132 KGRR Airbus A32... 30-01-2024
VBV026 KGRR Airbus A32... 30-01-2024

Runway Information (Airport elevation: 13ft)

Runway 04 Length 7,001ft Width 147ft Elevation 13ft Surface Asphalt Heading 32
Runway 13 Length 6,998ft Width 144ft Elevation 13ft Surface Asphalt Heading 122
Runway 22 Length 7,001ft Width 147ft Elevation 13ft Surface Asphalt Heading 212
Runway 31 Length 6,998ft Width 144ft Elevation 13ft Surface Asphalt Heading 302

Airport Frequencies

Type APP/DEP Frequency 120.050 Mhz
Type APP/DEP Frequency 120.800 Mhz
Type APP/DEP Frequency 124.950 Mhz
Type APP/DEP Frequency 127.300 Mhz
Type APP/DEP Frequency 128.800 Mhz
Type APP/DEP Frequency 132.700 Mhz
Type ATIS Frequency 125.950 Mhz
Type ATIS Frequency 127.050 Mhz
Type CPT Frequency 135.200 Mhz
Type D Frequency 120.400 Mhz
Type D Frequency 124.450 Mhz
Type D Frequency 127.050 Mhz
Type Ground Frequency 121.700 Mhz
Type Ground Frequency 121.850 Mhz
Type Ground Frequency 127.675 Mhz
Type Tower Frequency 118.700 Mhz
Type UC Frequency 122.950 Mhz
Type Clearance Frequency 121.875 Mhz
Type Clearance Frequency 135.200 Mhz
Type D Frequency 125.700 Mhz
Type D Frequency 126.050 Mhz
Type D Frequency 126.400 Mhz
Type D Frequency 127.600 Mhz
Type D Frequency 128.125 Mhz
Type D Frequency 128.550 Mhz
Type Ground Frequency 129.675 Mhz
Type Ground Frequency 129.700 Mhz
Type Ground Frequency 129.775 Mhz
Type Ground Frequency 131.375 Mhz
Type Ground Frequency 131.475 Mhz

Airport Navaids

Type NDB Ident LG Frequency 332 Khz
Type VOR-DME Ident LGA Frequency 113100 Khz
Type NDB Ident UR Frequency 385 Khz